Programming and Projects

This page contains some of the side-projects I've worked on with links to their source code and demos. If you'd like to see a more comprehensive list of my projects in various stages of development, feel free to view my github profile.

Project Library

  • LetsMeetApp

    A full-stack meeting planner app built with Java that consolidates all the core functionality required when meeting with a team.

  • FileSift

    A python script I wrote that utilizes Watchdog Observer to move and organize files in my Downloads folder based on the file's type.

  • Sound Galaxy

    An experimental project I made while tinkering with p5.js that uses your device's microphone to make stars dance in the night sky.

  • VR Solar System

    An interactive virtual reality experince built on Unity 3D using C# to provide an educational journey through our solar system.

  • Epoch Noir Game

    A game I'm developing on Unreal Engine 5 that allows players to embody a time-warping android, exploring a world of espionage across Earth’s history and beyond.

  • Magic 8 Ball App

    An iOS app I made when learning Swift and SwiftUI that mimics the functionality of a Magic 8 Ball.

  • Canopy Recipe App

    An intermediate iOS app I made that allows the user to create and store a collection of recipes for various meals throughout the day.

  • Wheel of Fortune

    A python program that emulates a solo Wheel of Fortune game to be played on the command line.

  • This Website

    A personal website I initially made to learn web development that later evolved into a hub for all my projects and interests.

Up next, Art & Design.